Travelling, painting, and fishing in Hampshire, England
Painting plein air watercolor on the Gunnison River
I have always viewed my attachment to art as a continuous illustration of places, people, and events throughout my life. The beauty and yet fleeting, transient sense of time in places, certain days, people, and travels are my usual subjects. Rather than making my paintings fit a style, I tend to make a style fit the mood or atmosphere that I most want to convey in each painting. This approach allows a flexibility that I prefer. All my figures, portraits, and watercolors are painted plein air. The larger oils are often constructed using observation, as well as other personal resources. As an artist, I thankfully had the great fortune of apprehending my calling as an art educator and working with thousands of teenagers in the community of Fort Collins, Colorado. After enjoying a 29-year career teaching secondary school art in Poudre School District, I have continued my involvement in art education by running private art classes over the past 10 years. Sharing and contributing creative ideas with students has always helped me keep my art fresh and moving forward.
Bachelor of Fine Art (Painting), 1983, Western State College, CO
Master of Arts (Education), 1998